Sheep Take a Hike by Nancy E. Shaw

Sheep Take a Hike by Nancy E. Shaw

Author:Nancy E. Shaw
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

* * *

To Nancy Weiss


To Allison, Daniel, Nancy,

Scott and Fred


Morning's here! It's warm and clear!

Sheep load up their hiking gear.

Compass, whistles, drinks, and snacks

Go in packs upon their backs.

They trot along a hiking trail

Up the hill and down the dale.

Trees and bushes soon grow thicker.

Where's the trail? Sheep bicker.

Sheep squeeze through the trees.

Sheep rush through underbrush.

Thorns dig. Prickers snag.

Sheep zig. Sheep zag.


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